Programme of Study

Every effort is made to ensure students are able to study the subjects they want to. Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 (and several in Year 10) are able to study at any NCEA Level appropriate to their situation. The school timetable is developed based on student subject selections. However, if subjects do not attract sufficient student numbers the subject may not run or may have reduced teacher contact hours. Study through Te Kura (The Correspondence School) may also be an option.

Subject selection is based around three factors:

  • Skills & Ability
  • Interest
  • Career Pathways

Students may not know exactly what they want to do when they finish secondary school but some serious thought should have been given to possible career options.

When selecting subjects, students need to:

  1. Be clear about what subjects they enjoy the most;
  2. Be clear about their ability in each subject. Check with their teachers if necessary;
  3. Use the CareersNZ website to complete the Careers Quest questionaire and access the other careers tools;
  4. Identify their Vocational Pathway(s) using
  5. Identify career possibilities within their vocational pathway(s);
  6. Keep their options open in Years 9, 10 and 11;
  7. Consult the Careers Advisor, Mr Zimmerman about any of the above if necessary.

Year 10 NCEA Level 1 Extension Opportunity

The Year 10 NCEA Level 1 Extension programme is designed so the students for whom this challenge is appropriate, have the opportunity to work at Level 1 for one or more of their subjects. To take part in this programme, high academic results and report work habit grades will be considered in the decision-making process. This then gives students the opportunity in future years to broaden their subjects or take on extra challenges* as they will have space within their timetable.

 (* this could include a university paper(s), an exchange, elite sport or cultural activities – depending on goals and aspirations)

Students will need to be placed in all 8 spells of the NCEA Level 1 subject. This will require some compromise in the Year 10 classes as the Level 1 subject will not fit exactly into the corresponding Year 10 subject times. Please be prepared that some choices of extension subject may not be possible within the timetable.

