Level 3 Work Place Training

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr B. Zimmerman.

For students who wish to explore a career pathway by participating in a work experience placement. Students begin the year with career focused unit standards until their work experience placement has been sorted. At this stage they would do unit standards appropriate for their career interest and the work experience placement. Placements are for 1 day per week for a minimum of 5 weeks. Students will also have time in class to catch up on subjects missed due to their Gateway placement.

Areas of possible study are; Early Childhood, Kindergarten or Primary Teaching, Hairdressing, Animal Care, Hospitality, Retail and Youth Work. Please check with the Careers staff to see if your career interest can be accommodated under Gateway.

Individual programmes have a range of standards. Students generally have available 20 to 30 credits.

 To apply please complete https://forms.office.com/r/sHTghexh0F