Year 10 Social Science

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr E. Brown.

Social Science is a subject that explores how people in different cultures think, feel and act, over time and place. Social Sciences explores recent and relevant issues and the changes it has on society and the environment and impacts this on the future.

The main topics include:

He Tangata, He Whenua - a look into the history of Taranaki and how people have been impacted be local events, from the Treaty of Waitangi, raupatu, land wars, to moving forward and redress.

Future Focus - exploring the ways people use and value natural resources and the impact this has on the planet's sustainability and what people are doing to ensure climate justice

Government Decisions - two different government systems are analysed and students compare the impact on people from these governments making decisions. New Zealand is compared to China or North Korea.

Students will be assessed on how they can recall knowledge, use resources to answer questions and an inquiry.